Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Happy Holidays

     Ho! Ho! Ho! from the Philippines. Exactly on September 1, I officially heard my first Christmas Carol being played on television. This is one of the reasons why it is more fun in the Philippines. Where else can you see Christmas decorations being put up and being sold as early as September? It has been this way in our country for years and it may seem silly celebrating Christmas four months early, I actually like it. Hearing Christmas carols throws me back my childhood years. It helps me look forward to the many holidays of December. Also, most people seem happier during the yuletide season. Maybe because it’s a time for all kinds of reunions.  It is one of those occasions where friends and families take the time to gather together and just enjoy the bond . And I guess because 13th month pay and bonuses are given during this timeJ Advance Happy Holidays EveryoneJ

1 comment:

  1. I love the 'ber' months. It makes me feel like a child once again. Everything is happy, alive and merry....
